Campaign Finance Reform
Resolutions for your Precinct Convention
If you vote in the Texas primary (or during early voting), be sure to come back to your individual precinct voting location (not an early voting location) for your precinct convention.
Precinct conventions start at 7:15 PM, or after the last person in line has voted, and are a great place to educate others about issues you care about, and get resolutions on them approved and sent up to the Senate District (SD) conventions and the state convention, so they'll get noticed by a lot more people.
Go to our resolutions list and pick out resolutions of interest to you -- just click on the titles of any of them. Download the pdf versions that are formatted for printing, and bring several copies of each to your precinct convention. If you want to write your own resolution on a topic we did not cover, refer to our Resolution-Writing Guidelines (see link at ) for suggestions on how to write a good resolution that is likely to be passed.
Some additional resolutions are also on the Burnt Orange Report web site -- please see these too.
If you don't vote in the primary, you are eligible to sign petitions to help get the Green Party on the ballot in Texas this year. For at least one state-wide office (Comptroller), there's no Democrat on the ballot, so this is not even a conflict for any Dem. See for details.
Texas Public Campaign Financing (Clean Elections)..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, campaign funding at all levels of government has soared in recent decades; and
Campaign Finance Reform (old version)
Note: This is an old resolution that has been superceded by a new version.
Whereas, Candidates for public office now depend upon large contributions to run competitive campaigns; and
Whereas, Elected officials often operate on behalf of contributors who want their wealth to control government decision-making; and
Campaign Finance Reform - OLD
Note: This is an old (2006) version, which has been superceded by a new resolution (2/2008) entitled "Texas Public Campaign Financing". WHEREAS Candidates for public office now depend upon
Texas GOP agrees to stop some campaign practices
Party to make changes in way it spends corporate money in return for deferred prosecution.
Friday, November 18, 2005
By Laylan Copelin
The Republican Party of Texas avoided prosecution Thursday by agreeing to stop using corporate money for some political activity.
Campaign Finance Reform Resolution (old ver.)
Note: This is an old resolution that has been superceded by a new version.
Whereas, Candidates for public office now depend upon large contributions to run competitive campaigns; and