
month | week | day | table
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Start: 7:00 pm

Event Description:

Impeachment Fiesta

Organizing meeting 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 15 at the Daily Grind on 4115 Washington Ave. by Jackson Hill.

Help planning of Impeachment Fiesta set for Monday, April 9th with keynote speaker Cindy Sheehan.

Others contacted include:  Robt. Jensen, Jesse Jackson, Sheila Jackson Lee.
Location:  Possibly at Resurrection Church in Heights.

Committee Chair Ivan can be reached at         escramble('ie3456','');        713-269-7781 

Impeachment Action Group Founder Charles Mauch can be reached at    escramble('chasmauch','');        H:  713-432-1277.

Event Sponsor:
Progressive Action Alliance

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Start: 9:00 am
Start: Feb 17 2007 - 9:00am
End: Feb 18 2007 - 8:00pm

Event Description:

EMERGENCY Conference: Impeach Bush for War Crimes!

Saturday & Sunday, February 17 & 18 New York City

(Manhattan location to be announced. Saturday 9am-9pm Sunday 10-5)

Event Sponsor:
World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime

Event Contact Name:
Houston: Lea Mesa (832) 453-3082

Event Phone Contact Information:
(866) 973-4463

Event Email Address:

Event Website:

Event Fee:
$25-$50 per person, Students/low income: $10-$20

Sunday, February 18, 2007
End: 8:00 pm
Start: Feb 17 2007 - 9:00am
End: Feb 18 2007 - 8:00pm

Event Description:

EMERGENCY Conference: Impeach Bush for War Crimes!

Saturday & Sunday, February 17 & 18 New York City

(Manhattan location to be announced. Saturday 9am-9pm Sunday 10-5)

Event Sponsor:
World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime

Event Contact Name:
Houston: Lea Mesa (832) 453-3082

Event Phone Contact Information:
(866) 973-4463

Event Email Address:

Event Website:

Event Fee:
$25-$50 per person, Students/low income: $10-$20

Start: 5:30 pm

Event Description:

What: Presentation on I-69 and how to stop it;
Who: RoadBlock Earth First;
When: Sunday Feb. 18 at 5:30 P.M.;
Where: The Artery 5401 Jackson at Prospect

There is a terrible concrete monster yearning to burst forth from
its slumber. It will be a leviathan feeding on corrupt
construction contracts, sweatshops, hydroelectric dams, big-box
stores, and resource extraction. It's shit will be free trade,
environmental devastation, and human suffering.

It is named I-69. While it currently sleeping between Canada's
industrial heartland and Indianapolis, it is dreaming of the coming
day (fast approaching in 2008) that it can grow, devastating all of
the land between central Indiana and the Texas-Mexico border.
There it will connect with the horrifying infrastructure projects
of the Plan Puebla Panama.

In order to slay this beast, people are organizing up and down the
middle of the United States, as well as across Central America. As
I-69 approaches the point of construction in our state, we want to
begin the vital work of developing networks of resistance with
other communities threatened by this road's projected route. From
Bloomington, IN to Central Texas, we want to talk about this road and
resistance to it, share inspiration with other activists, as well
as spread knowledge of direct action and diy skills.

We want to build the kind of lasting ties that will sustain us all
through a successful campaign to shut down the insane plans to let
the I-69 monster hatch and reproduce. In this, we are inspired by
resistance to the PPP in Central America, the self-organization of
farmers along the route all ready underway and by Earth First!'s
long history of successful fights to slay the road monster. We are
also motivated by the knowledge that we can't afford to fail- the
cost will be too high: the destruction of tens of thousands of
acres of forests, wetlands, and farms; increased oil consumption at
a time when we are facing catastrophic climate change; and the
elimination of hundreds of human communities along with the further
spread of suburban sprawl, convenience stores, and retail giants.

Features of the roadshow will include:

Monday, February 19, 2007
Start: 6:31 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

Harris County Green Party holds a General Membership Meeting on the third Monday of each month from 6:30-9:00 p.m. We meet in the upstairs meeting room of Central Market on the southwest corner of Westheimer and Weslayan. Changes to this schedule or meeting location will be posted on the HCGP calendar (see URL below).

Everyone is welcome to attend the General Membership Meeting. Only active members are allowed to vote at the meeting. To be considered an active member, you must have attended at least two other General Membership Meeting in the last 12 months. You can see a typical agenda at the web site by clicking More Info.

After the meeting, we usually adjourn to the cafe area downstairs or outside for a few more minutes of more casual visiting, with food and drink bought at the venue.

Event Sponsor:
Harris County Green Party

Event Website:

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Start: 6:30 pm
Start: Feb 20 2007 - 6:30pm
End: Feb 22 2007 - 8:30pm

Event Description:

Attend any of Culberson's upcoming Town Hall Meetings:

Tuesday, February 20
Memorial High School
935 Echo Lane
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 21
Jersey Village High School
7600 Solomon
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 22
Rice University
Shell Auditorium, McNair Hall
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Enter the Rice campus at entrance Gate #20, Rice Blvd. at Kent Street. Follow signs to free parking at the Central Campus Garage in McNair Hall. Additional free parking lot on Greenbriar between Rice and University.

Contact Kathleen Kain for more info:   281-376-7066.   escramble('kkain1','');

You may also share with Culberson the benefit of your views as follows:
 Houston Office:
10000 Memorial Drive Suite 620 Houston, TX 77024-3490
p/(713) 682-8828 | f/(713) 680-8070

Washington Office:
428 Cannon House Office Bldg Washington, D.C. 20515-4307  (In person or postcards only)
p/(202) 225-2571 | f/(202) 225-4381
Privacy & Security Policy

Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

What: TXU, Merrill Lynch and their plan to cook the climate; Creative activism workshop following the presentation

Who: Scott Parkin, Rainforest Action Network Global Finance Campaigner

When: Tuesday, Feb 20 at 7pm

Event Sponsor:
Rainforest Action Network

Event Website:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
(all day)
Start: Feb 20 2007 - 6:30pm
End: Feb 22 2007 - 8:30pm

Event Description:

Attend any of Culberson's upcoming Town Hall Meetings:

Tuesday, February 20
Memorial High School
935 Echo Lane
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 21
Jersey Village High School
7600 Solomon
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 22
Rice University
Shell Auditorium, McNair Hall
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Enter the Rice campus at entrance Gate #20, Rice Blvd. at Kent Street. Follow signs to free parking at the Central Campus Garage in McNair Hall. Additional free parking lot on Greenbriar between Rice and University.

Contact Kathleen Kain for more info:   281-376-7066.   escramble('kkain1','');

You may also share with Culberson the benefit of your views as follows:
 Houston Office:
10000 Memorial Drive Suite 620 Houston, TX 77024-3490
p/(713) 682-8828 | f/(713) 680-8070

Washington Office:
428 Cannon House Office Bldg Washington, D.C. 20515-4307  (In person or postcards only)
p/(202) 225-2571 | f/(202) 225-4381
Privacy & Security Policy

Start: 12:00 pm
End: 1:00 pm

Event Description:

What: Tell Merrill Lynch--Stop Funding TXU's Dirty Coal Plants

Where Merrill Lynch; 1221 MCKINNEY STREET (at San Jacinto); downtown Houston

When: Wednesday Feb. 21 at Noon

Contact: Melissa; escramble('anothermotherforpeace','');; 281-455-3144;

Event Sponsor:
Rainforest Action Network

Event Website:

Thursday, February 22, 2007
End: 8:30 pm
Start: Feb 20 2007 - 6:30pm
End: Feb 22 2007 - 8:30pm

Event Description:

Attend any of Culberson's upcoming Town Hall Meetings:

Tuesday, February 20
Memorial High School
935 Echo Lane
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 21
Jersey Village High School
7600 Solomon
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Thursday, February 22
Rice University
Shell Auditorium, McNair Hall
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Enter the Rice campus at entrance Gate #20, Rice Blvd. at Kent Street. Follow signs to free parking at the Central Campus Garage in McNair Hall. Additional free parking lot on Greenbriar between Rice and University.

Contact Kathleen Kain for more info:   281-376-7066.   escramble('kkain1','');

You may also share with Culberson the benefit of your views as follows:
 Houston Office:
10000 Memorial Drive Suite 620 Houston, TX 77024-3490
p/(713) 682-8828 | f/(713) 680-8070

Washington Office:
428 Cannon House Office Bldg Washington, D.C. 20515-4307  (In person or postcards only)
p/(202) 225-2571 | f/(202) 225-4381
Privacy & Security Policy

Start: 6:30 pm
End: 8:30 pm

Event Description:

Come join us in impeaching Bush, Cheney, Rice, Gonzales, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, et. al.

Some of the factors we have discussed at past meetings include:

1.    It is important to put forth the message to subsequent administrations that the reason for this impeachment is war.  (Not sex scandals, hotel burglaries, etc.)    Solutions for lasting peace require that our public servants understand that Americans do not tolerate war.

2.    Impeachment efforts can work hand in hand with other groups toward this common goal.

3.    There is a need for fundraising (see the Impeachment Fiesta committee meetings in this calendar) and for public education on the need for impeachment.

For Q's about this meeting, call Charles Mauch,    713-432-1277.    escramble('chasMauch','');

For Q's about the Impeachment Fiesta fundraiser, call Ivan Espinosa,  713-269-7781

Event Sponsor:
Progressive Action Alliance

Friday, February 23, 2007
Start: 6:30 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

Honor Black History and join us Friday, Feb. 23 for refreshments and a visit with other activists, followed by the screening of the new documentary, 3 Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation.  Learn about a history effectively erased from discourse.

Help us spread the word and invite your friends and family to come along. Fliers for distribution are linked below.

6:30 PM - social, potluck refreshments -- bring something to share, or more importantly just show up

7:30 PM - movie showing

9:00 PM - discussion, more refreshments 

The Havens Center is located at 1827 W. Alabama. Parking available in lot next to Divino’s, or in St. Stephen’s parking lot, just east of the Center. 


Event Sponsor:
Progressive Action Alliance

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

Comedy night benefiting the Houston Peace and Justice Center - Saturday, February 24

Join other progressive activists for the best pizza in town plus great stand-up comedy by Chuck Montgomery. Montgomery is a pioneer and 26-year veteran of the Houston comedy scene, having started his career at the Comedy Workshop in 1978. During the eighties and nineties, he headlined countless comedy clubs and college shows. In his pre-television years, Drew Carey opened for Chuck. He has worked with Sam Kennison, Rosie O'Donnell, Ellen DeGeneres, Pat Paulson, Brett Butler, and many others.

Event Sponsor:
Houston Peace & Justice Center

Event Website:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Start: 6:00 pm
End: 8:30 pm

Event Description:

 Join the Citizens League for Environmental Action Now (CLEAN) as we present a forum which will address the fast-tracking of coal fired power plants in Texas. Contrary to what some electric power companies and politicians are telling the public, we do not need dirty coal fired power plants to generate electrical power for our growing state.

Event Sponsor:
Citizens League for Environmental Action Now (CLEAN), UH Students fo

Event Website:

Start: 6:30 pm
End: 8:30 pm

Event Description:

The impeachment event on April 9th is fleshing out to become one heck of a gathering. At this meeting, we will be discussing three important things. The program of the event, The impeachment resolution to city council, and the Distribution of flyers (outreach).

Event Sponsor:
Impeach Bush Houston Meetup Group

Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

Executing Innocent People, Feb. 27, 2007

Join us for an interactive Panel Discussion with:

Sam Millsap, Former San Antonio district attorney

Event Sponsor:
KPFT, Houston Peace & Justice,SHAPE Center

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Start: 11:30 am
End: 5:00 pm

Event Description:

Speak Out!

The Bush Agenda. Understanding It. Stopping It.

The world faces a grave emergency. The very nature of U.S. society and its relationship to other countries are being reshaped in horrific ways before our eyes. Yet the full implications of these sweeping changes are not widely understood, even among those who oppose the Bush administration. This must change and resistance must grow.

Event Sponsor:
World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime

Event Website:

Saturday, March 3, 2007
Start: 9:00 am
Start: Mar 3 2007 - 9:00am
End: Mar 4 2007 - 6:00pm

Event Description:

At the DFA Training Academy, experienced campaign professionals will cover practical strategies and tactics including communications, fundraising, voter targeting, online organizing, and building a sustainable grassroots movement. We design the program so you can go out and use the skills you learn right away. Then, we follow up with you to make sure you have the support you need to organize your community. March 3,4, 2007 - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, fee includes both days and lunch.

Event Sponsor:
Democracy for Houston

Event Website:

Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

Spread the word and come to the free screening of China Blue 7 p.m. Saturday, March 3, 1827 W. Alabama, west of Woodhead (The Havens Center). China Blue, 2006, 88 mins Directed by Micha X. Peled Saturday, March 3, 7:00pm Free and Open to the Public Houston Institute for Culture Havens Center 1827 W. Alabama Street Houston, Texas 77098 Summary: CHINA BLUE takes us on a poignant journey inside a blue-jeans factory, where the working conditions Jasmine and her teenage friends must endure are harsh beyond imagination. They are also unlawful by international standards, and tensions in the factory are running high. So when the factory owner strikes a deal with a Western client and demands around-the-clock production to meet the deadline, a confrontation becomes inevitable. Shot clandestinely in China, under difficult conditions, this is a deep-access account of what both China and the international retail companies don’t want us to see - how the clothes we buy are actually made.

Event Sponsor:
Houston Institute for Culture

Event Website:

Sunday, March 4, 2007
End: 6:00 pm
Start: Mar 3 2007 - 9:00am
End: Mar 4 2007 - 6:00pm

Event Description:

At the DFA Training Academy, experienced campaign professionals will cover practical strategies and tactics including communications, fundraising, voter targeting, online organizing, and building a sustainable grassroots movement. We design the program so you can go out and use the skills you learn right away. Then, we follow up with you to make sure you have the support you need to organize your community. March 3,4, 2007 - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm, fee includes both days and lunch.

Event Sponsor:
Democracy for Houston

Event Website:

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Start: 6:30 pm

Event Description:

Mayor White will host a Town Hall Meeting on our energy future. Texas sits at an energy crossroads.

Speakers include:
Tim Bradley, Prsident Kinder Morgan CO2 Company
Dr. Bob Pierce, Memorial Drive United Methodist Church
Joel Surface, Austin Clean Energy Incubator

Event Sponsor:
Texas Impact, Interfaith Ministries, NRDC, Citizen's Environmental Coalition

Event Website:

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Start: 7:00 pm

Event Description:

Tim Mock will talk briefly about how climate change may have killed over half of life on earth multiple times. From Scientific American, October 2006: "Impact From the Deep: Strangling heat and gases emanating from the earth and sea, not asteroids, most likely caused several ancient mass extinctions. Could the same killer-greenhouse conditions build once again?" Location: Nature Discovery Center in Bellaire, (part of the regular monthly free talks, The Inquisitive Naturalist).

Event Sponsor:
Nature Discovery Center & Houston Climate Protection Alliance

Event Website:

Thursday, March 8, 2007
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

Attend the regular monthly meeting of the Progressive Action Alliance, as we plan actions to promote impeachment, withdrawal from Iraq, and progressive political change. If you are reading this on the PAA home page, click on the event title for more details.

Come early (6:30-7:00 PM) if you'd like to visit with others before the meeting, swap stories, and enjoy refreshments (pot luck -- whatever people decide to bring). You can bring something to eat or drink later, too, although it isn't required.

Agenda items include:
* More discussion on goals & objectives for 2007 - bring your ideas * Promoting impeachment * Ending the Iraq Occupation & promoting peace * 4th Friday Flicks movies We'll also have both styles of our Impeach T-shirts available, for donations ($10-20 suggested).

We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month to discuss recent and upcoming activities. Join us!

either: * on the north side of Alabama, across street from Havens Center * just east of the Havens Center in the parking lot for St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

Event Sponsor:
Progressive Action Alliance

Start: 6:30 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

Attend the regular monthly meeting of the Progressive Action Alliance, as we plan actions to promote impeachment, withdrawal from Iraq, and progressive political change. If you are reading this on the PAA home page, click on the event title for more details.

Event Sponsor:
Progressive Action Alliance

Event Website:

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Start: 9:30 am
End: 4:00 pm

Event Description:

Progressive organizations from around Texas are coming together on Saturday, March 10, in San Antonio, to network and build alliances so we can all have a more powerful political influence, both in Texas and nationally.

Event Sponsor:
Progressive Populist Caucus, Progressive Action Alliance, others

Start: 10:00 am
End: 12:00 pm

Event Description:

The PPC annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the Progressive Alliance Conference of Texas. There are NO registration fees to attend the PPC annual meeting, it is open to everyone, however, if you wish to attend the Progressive Action Conference of Texas, please register and there are fees for lunch and the remaining part of the PACT conference.

Dennis Kucinich, presidential candidate for 2008 and long time progressive Democrat, will be the keynote speaker for the Progressive Alliance Conference of Texas, taking place at the same location. Also speaking at the conference will be Julie Coniglio, representative of the Progressive Democrats of America. We hope you will join us in San Antonio on March 10, 2007.


The PPC annual meeting and PACT conference is at San Antonio's Northeast Service Center "Toolyard" at 10303 Toolyard, in northeast San Antonio.  Note that this is a change from the original tentative location. It's off Wurzbach Parkway---between Perrin Beitel and Thousand Oaks --- west of I-35 and north of the north loop I-410.

Start: 4:30 pm
End: 9:30 pm

Event Description:

Following the annual general meeting of the Progressive Populist Caucus (PPC) and the Progressive Alliance Conference of Texas (PACT) satewide meeting of progressive organizations, with Dennis Kucinich as the keynote speaker (details), Texas friends of Dennis will have two fund raisers for the Kucinich campaign in the evening.

The first will be a San Antonio fund raiser, and the second will be an Austin fund raiser.  Click on these links for details.

Start: 7:00 pm
End: 10:00 pm

Event Description:

Houston Institute for Culture
and the Havens Center Present

Topical Films and Discussions

Free and Open to the Public

All films 7:00pm (unless otherwise noted)

Havens Center - 1827 W. Alabama St, Houston, Texas 77098

Event Sponsor:
Houston Institute for Culture

Event Website:

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Start: 10:00 am
End: 6:00 pm

Event Description:

YOU and your friends are invited to a SIGN MAKING PARTY for PEACE

Why: Make giant signs and banners to use on Mar. 20 for the coordinated freeway blogging and candlelight vigil, on freeway overpasses for the 4th anniversary of the Iraq invasion. Make your own sign stressing the need for peace and for bringing the troops home now. And of course, you can use your sign later, or donate it to someone else who will, as the freeway blogging is a continuing activity as long as US troops are in Iraq.

Start: 12:00 pm
End: 3:00 pm

Event Description:

The "Million Musician March Against the War" in Austin, Saturday, March 17th, commemorates the beginning of the war against Iraq.

Musicians from near and far will participate, but that's just a way to make noise.

Event Sponsor:
Austin Against War, Texans for Peace, Code Pink, Instruments for Peace, Austin Center for Peace and Justice.

Event Website:

Start: 12:01 pm
End: 9:00 pm

Event Description:

And a massive coalition of anti-war organizations to
End the War NOW! Impeach Bush for War Crimes!


Event Sponsor:
World Can't Wait & ANSWER Coalition

Event Contact Name:
Lea Mesa

Event Phone Contact Information:

Event Website:

Event Fee:

Start: 2:00 pm
End: 4:00 pm

Event Description:

Hello friends of peace,

Below is a press release for an event we are planning for Sat. March 17. We would love for each of you to come and walk with us. I plan to speak about the Department of Peace and give each walker a brochure about it. Please come and pass this information to any and all! I hope to see you there. Wear a peace t-shirt if you have one!

Event Sponsor:
Lonestar Democratic Club

Event Website:

Start: 5:00 pm

Event Description:

March 17, 2007
SHAPE Community Center
3903 Almeda Rd., Hou, TX 77004
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Film Screening
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Open Forum Discussion
7:30 PM to 8:00 PM Light Reception

Event Sponsor:
The Isis Pages (

Event Website:

Start: 5:30 pm
End: 8:00 pm

Event Description:

CLEAN cordially invites you to an evening with environmentalist and CODEPINK co-founder, DIANE WILSON, author of An Unreasonable Woman. Wilson will be signing copies of her book to raise funds for her organization, Calhoun County Resource Watch and CLEAN, a Houston-based non-profit environmental organization.

Event Sponsor:

Event Website:

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