Houston Social Forum
Submitted by Sarah Gonzales on August 29, 2005 - 6:23am. :: Houston Social Forum Action Group
The Houston Social Forum is:
- a regional event that addresses local as well as global issues that was patterned after the World Social Forum
as well as inspired by the Boston Social Forum - comprised of diverse groups building from common values
- nongovernmental, nonpartisan
- supportive of true participatory democracy
- nonviolent resistance to the world's injustice
- working toward mechanisms that value people over profit
- seeking active participation for APRIL 2006
This committee provides discussions and planning relating to development of the Houston Social Forum.
- Houston Social Forum website
- Be sure to join our mailing list
- View the Houston Social forum
- View all the forums
- You can send email to
- View our calendar of events
File downloads and other important documents are grouped below for this acton group.