Impeachment & Peace activities planning meeting

Nov 16 2006 - 9:00pm
Nov 16 2006 - 10:30pm

Event Description:

This is a followup to the Nov. 9 PAA meeting where we discussed ideas for promoting impeachment and getting the US out of Iraq. We'll meet after the ACLU fundraiser movie "Shut Up & Sing" about the Dixie Chicks and their treatment after they spoke up about Bush (see for info on that movie) at Mykonos Restaurant (Greek food and more) to continue the discussions we started Nov. 9. Those who are not coming to the movie are welcome to come early and have dinner (or dessert, or just something to drink) and discuss what you'd like to do to for impeachment and bringing the troops home.

See the Nov. 9 meeting minutes at for a summary of ideas proposed then.

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