Reform U. S. Energy Policy..

Submitted by Sarah Gonzales on October 13, 2005 - 6:38am. :: | |

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Whereas, The United States continues to be dependent on imports of foreign oil, thereby threatening both our economy and national security; and

Whereas, People in the U.S. use far more oil and gas per capita than any other country in the world; and

Whereas, Advances in renewable energy mean there are fewer technical obstacles to energy independence for our country; and

Whereas, Clean energy technologies will produce new jobs in this country; and

Whereas, We can easily double our energy from renewable sources by 2010; and

Whereas, We can soon have hybrid and possibly fuel cell cars dominating the market; and

Whereas, We need to save fossil fuels and other natural resources for our children and grandchildren rather than using them up as fast as possible; and

Whereas, Without a substantial decrease in fossil fuel use global warming will become a more serious problem; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That U.S. research and investment in hydrogen, solar, wind and ocean energy sources should be significantly increased; and be it further

RESOLVED, That our country's leadership should promote sustainable energy production to provide jobs to Americans, to reduce energy use here at home and to partner with developing nations to provide their people with inexpensive, local, renewable energy technologies.

Original written by R. Crosier, Feb. 2002. Revised Feb. 2004.

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