Iraq Exit Resolution From State Dem. Exec. Committee

Submitted by PAAMember on November 30, 2005 - 9:00pm. ::

size=3>The State Democratic Executive Committee passed this resolution
unanimously on November 11.  Texas Democrats stand tall.



face="Times New Roman">  "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

size=3>Whereas the very presence of 150,000 Americans in Iraq has become a
rallying point for dissatisfied people in the Arab world, and has both
intensified the rage of the extremist Muslim terrorists and also ignited civil
hostilities in Iraq the have made United States Troops and Iraqi civilians
substantially less safe;

face="Times New Roman"> 

size=3>Whereas the removal of the United States military from Iraq will help
diminish one of the major causes of Iraq

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Submitted by PAAMember on December 1, 2005 - 12:03am.

This is certainly a positive development.  However, I am concerned about the composition of any potential 'peacekeeping force'.  We have to remember that the U.S. is still apart of the United Nations and would undoubtedly play a significant role.  Additionally, do we want Iraq's neighbors to be a part of this 'peacekeeping force'?  The thousands of lives lost and billions that have been spent on this war proves it is a catastrophe, but if there is any logic to the occupation, it is partly that it excludes the involvement of Iraq's neighbors.  The presence of Iranian and Saudi troops in Iraq is unsettling and potentially incendiary to say the least.      

Sending in a 'peacekeeping force' is not going to stop the killing.  Our best bet is to simply leave Iraq and do whatever we can to encourage peace in that part of the world.


Submitted by PAAMember on November 30, 2005 - 10:00pm.

It looks like the good old Democratic people are awakening and tending to standing up to confront the deceit and lies, the failed invasion.  This is another sign the Bush-tocracy is on its last legs.

Lets go for peace...and truly resolving the causes of all this mess, people everywhere need housing, food, medical care, education, safety, and a fair judicial system.


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