Impeach Action Group
Emergency Teach-in
Event Description:
It's Worse Than You Think...
Where is the Bush administration taking our nation? Why MUST it be stopped?
Join us for an interactive, educational, emergency TEACH-IN!
Event Sponsor:
World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime - Houston chapter
Event Phone Contact Information:
Event Email Address:
Event Website:
Impeach Bush & Cheney T-Shirts
Want to wear a shirt that sends a powerful message for regime change here at home?
We have two shirts that we designed, and which we hope will help to get the general public thinking more about why we need to get the criminals out of the White House. These shirts are ones that we hope you'll want to wear when you go shopping, to restaurants, to neighborhood and cultural events, and other places -- not just to political gatherings. You'll be impressed with how many smiles, thumbs up, and other positive responses that you get.
Bring An End to the Bush Regime -WCW Protest at City Hall
Event Description:
On October the 5th, people throughout the country will be stepping forward in a day of mass resistance. Join us here in Houston for a spirited demonstration calling for an end to the lies and corruption of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Karl Rove. We will protest the Bush regime and make a clear statement: We will not tolerate a unethical, theocratic, reckless presidency to violate our constitutional liberties! NO MORE ILLEGAL WAR, NO MORE IMMORAL TORTURE, NO MORE LAWLESSNESS, NO MORE MASSIVE DEBTS, NO MORE SCANDALOUS, NO MORE BUSH!
Event Sponsor:
World Can't Wait - Drive out the Bush Regime
Event Contact Name:
Event Phone Contact Information:
Event Email Address:
Event Website:
Letter to Attendees of Sep. 4, 2006 Impeachment Forum
Thanks to all of you who attended our Impeachment Town Hall meeting in Houston on Labor Day. I know you could have been doing lots of other things on Monday. I was excited to see so many people come out on a holiday for this event!
Impeachment Action Ideas - How to get involved
Here are some ideas and suggestions for how we can get Bush and Cheney removed from office, submitted at (and after) the Impeachment Town Hall meeting in Houston on Sep. 4, 2006.
Send us your ideas
If you have other ideas and suggestions, please send them (preferably with links to where we can find more information on the web) to C. Lee Taylor: c.lee.taylor {at}
Impeachment Links on the Web (click on "Impeachment Resource Center") - a great site, updated several times per day, with lots and lots of resources on impeachment.
Impeachment -- Sample One-on-One Dialog
This is a sample dialog, from one person to another, that was presented during the Impeachment Town Hall meeting, Sep. 4, 2006.
To display this in a format suitable for printing, click on the (faint) printer icon in the upper right corner of this window.
Talking with your Friends about Impeachment
Below is an edited version of the presentation that I gave at the end of the Impeachment Town Hall Meeting, Sep. 4, 2006.
To display this in a format suitable for printing, click on the (faint) printer icon in the upper right corner of this window.
This is the introduction to the workshop that Kris Graham and I did that day, on how to talk with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers about impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
Impeachment Resources and Links
This web page is an index to information, resources, and links related to impeaching Geoge W. Bush and Dick Cheney.
The impeachment movement is growing rapidly, both locally and nationally. We expect to update this web page regularly, so check back to see what's new.
Ann Wright Testimony on Downing Street Memos
T-Shirt Graphic for Impeachment Forum 1-5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 4, at Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church
Update by Bill, Sep. 24: Please look at the attachments below and send comments to the PAA-impeach list regarding what you like and what you don't like about these or any other T-shirt design you have.
Impeachment Town Hall Meeting
Event Description:
Tired of high crimes & misdemeanors in the White House, but don't know what to do about them?
On Labor Day, Sep. 4, join us for an
with special guest and keynote speaker
Learn how to support the US Constitution
and achieve (non-violent, of course) regime change here in the US.
(If you are reading this on the PAA home page, click on the event title for details.)
Event Sponsor:
Progressive Action Alliance; Co-Sponsors--Houston chapters of VFP & Code Pink
Event Phone Contact Information:
Event Fee:
$5 suggested donation, no one turned away due to lack of funds
Impeach Bumper Sticker image - OLD version
Impeach Bush and Cheney..
To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.
WHEREAS, even though Bush/Cheney will be out of office on 1/20/09 and the pursuit of truth regarding this administration will be a repugnant, intensive process, this pursuit will:
Flyer for MLK parades - Bush vs MLK, Impeachment
The two flyers here (see attachments below) are the ones PAA produced for the 2006 and 2007 Martin Luther King, Jr. parades and related events in Houston.
They contrast King's ideas with Bush's policies -- on peace, diplomacy, nonviolence, racial equality, the environment, civil liberties. They explain how 3 more years of Bush in the White House will shatter King's dream of a just society, and why we should push for impeachment.
The World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime!
Event Description:
November 2, the first anniversary of Bush's "re-election", we will take the first major step in this by organizing a truly massive day of resistance all over this country. People everywhere will walk out of school, they will take off work, they will come to the downtowns and town squares and set out from there, going through the streets and calling on many more to JOIN US. They will repudiate this criminal regime, making a powerful statement: "NO! THIS REGIME DOES NOT REPRESENT US! AND WE WILL DRIVE IT OUT!"
Event Sponsor:
The World Can't Wait
Event Phone Contact Information:
Event Email Address:
Event Website:
Downing Street Memo Flyer for Fundraiser July 2005
This committee provides discussions and planning relating to the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and dissemination of information surrounding the Downing Street Memos. and other documentation regarding reasons why Bush and Cheney should be removed from office.