Empire Building Action Group

3000th casualty memorial speeches, photos -Jan. 2007

Submitted by Bill Crosier on January 21, 2007 - 1:36pm. :: | | | | |

This article has links to speeches, photos, and the event description for the 3000th casualty memorial, at Memorial Park in Houston, Jan. 14-20, 2007. This event was held to memorialize the terrible loss of life, (US and Iraqi), that we have had so far during the Iraq invasion and occupation.

SW Freeway Blogging signs 1-6 Stop Israel aggression

Submitted by Bill Crosier on November 21, 2006 - 12:54am. :: | | | |
SW Freeway Blogging signs 1-6 Stop Israel aggression

Photo taken Nov. 15, 2006, evening rush hour
Southwest Freeway, Houston
Picture showing some of the signs in the "Stop Israel Agression/No war with Iran" theme
This theme is usually on Wednesdays.

Sign-Making Party!

Mar 11 2006 - 2:00pm
Mar 11 2006 - 6:00pm

Event Description:

Let's party!  Let's tell the world that change is in the air!  Let's make signs!

We're having a sign making party, before the First Amendment is taken away, for those needing a sign for the March 18 demonstration or for freeway blogging, or for anything else for which you need a political sign.

Bill & Cheryl Crosier's garage/sign-making laboratory
7445 Santa Fe Dr.
Houston 77061
just northwest of Hobby airport
map: http://tinyurl.com/4f6xq

Sat. Mar. 11, 2-6 pm

Bring any of this if you have it, but don't go out and buy any:
*Dark paint (latex only, please -- alkyd or oil-based paint takes too long to dry)
*LARGE cardboard, old sheets, old political yard signs, or anything large, lightweight, & paintable
*1.5 - 3" Paint brushes (we already have some, including larger ones and rollers)
*Something to share for dinner if you want to stay afterwards (or money for something to be delivered)

To find large pieces of cardboard, go by your favorite dumpster or call a nearby appliance store to ask when is a good time to get large boxes when their trucks return from delivery.
Fold the cardboard parallel to the corrugations if needed, to fit into your car.
We can duct tape smaller cardboard pieces together.
Old sheets make great signs/banners, too, and hold up if it rains better than cardboard.

Be sure to wear clothes and shoes that are OK to get paint on.  We have several old T-shirts you can borrow.

The Freeway Blogger web site http://www.freewayblogger.com/ has lots of great examples, with photos of some of the hundreds and hundreds of signs that have been placed on freeway overpasses and other visible locations in all 50 states.

The simple procedure: http://www.freewayblogger.com/howto.htm

Everyone is invited to help us make signs, so feel free to forward this to others who may believe in the 1st Amendment.

Event Sponsor:
Progressive Action Alliance

Event Website:

Demonstration, Leafleting, & Rally - 3rd anniversary of Iraq invasion

Mar 18 2006 - 11:00am
Mar 18 2006 - 3:00pm

Event Description:

Join us for an international day of solidarity and make the 3rd anniversary of the criminal war & occupation of Iraq the last one.


From New Orleans to Baghdad

STOP the War Abroad and HERE at HOME!

Money for jobs, health care, housing, schools and veterans benefits – NOT WAR!

Build levees, not bombs
Support the struggle of Katrina evacuees
Stop the illegal surveillance
Overturn the USA PATRIOT Act


Hands off Iran & Venezuela
End all colonial occupations - From Iraq & Afghanistan to Palestine & Haiti
From Latin America & the Caribbean, to Africa, Asia & the Middle East – no more interventions

Please bring signs to remind the public about the thousands in the US military (as well as Iraqis) who have been severely wounded, disabled, and who need ongoing help, but who the US government is ignoring.

We want to support the VA Hospital and bring attention to how US funding of the occupation of Iraq is causing tremendous grief to both US and Iraqi families, and demonstrate the hypocrisy of a government that claims to be supporting the troops and hurricane survivors, while it spends money instead on death and destruction.

Keep the Heat in the Street!

Let us unite with Texas activists who are protesting in Austin, Dallas, Denton, San Antonio, and Galveston!

Protests are happening around the world!  See http://answercoalition.org/ and http://unitedforpeace.org/


Houston Actions on Saturday, March 18: 

11 AM – Demonstration & Leafleting at the VA Hospital, corner of OST and Almeda Rd.

1 PM – Rally 1/2 mile north of demonstration, at the southeast corner of Hermann Park, corner of Holcombe Blvd. and Almeda Rd.
Performances by local musicians and poets, open mic for our youth to voice their ideas on "Taking Back Our Future"

Parking is available near the rally location, and it's a short walk down to the demonstration.  The Almeda Rd. entrance to the VA medical center may not be open on the weekend.

Event Sponsor:
See list above

Event Contact Name:

Event Phone Contact Information:

Event Email Address:

Event Website:

Scott Ritter: "We Won't Get Neo-Conned Again"

Feb 26 2006 - 4:30pm
Feb 26 2006 - 6:30pm

Event Description:

U. S. Tour of Duty's Real Intelligence Project presents

Former UN Weapons Inspector

Scott Ritter


U. S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee 

at an emergency public discussion about Iraq, Iran, and America's constitutional crisis

"We Won't Get Neo-CONNED! Again"

A citizen response to lying, spying, and dying for the "war on terror" 


Event Sponsor:
US Tour of Duty, KPFT http://kpft.org, Light in the Darkness Publications http://www.ihspress.com/

Event Phone Contact Information:

Event Website:

Event Fee:
$10 suggested donation (nobody turned away)

Withdraw from Iraq Now..

Submitted by Bill Crosier on February 7, 2006 - 4:27pm. :: | | | | |

To get a copy of this resolution formatted for printing, so you can take it with you to your precinct convention, click on the link in the Attachment box below.

WHEREAS members of the U.S. military in Iraq have killed many thousands of Iraq civilians; and

President's Day "Tea Party" Protest with Cindy Sheehan

Feb 20 2006 - 4:00pm
Feb 20 2006 - 7:00pm

Event Description:

This event will go on, rain or shine.  Thousands of US troops and Iraqis are dying in Iraq -- The least we can do is to show our support for this event even if the weather is not spring-like and sunny.  Bring rain gear, your long underwear, and a hat.  Let's show Houston that we won't let a little weather interfere with our stand for peace, and that we want our troops home now.

Event Sponsor:
Gold Star Families for Peace, Veterans for Peace, Code Pink

Event Contact Name:
Amy Branham

Event Phone Contact Information:

Event Email Address:

Empire Building

Submitted by Sarah Gonzales on August 29, 2005 - 6:14am. ::

This committee provides discussions about the Iraq war, globalization, US aggression in the world and other issues pertaining to empire building.

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